Monday, January 10, 2011

Look up, if you like me.

I was feeling a bit under the weather last weekend, so I made some paper animals to cheer myself up.

Some fun mail arrived to distract me briefly from my misery, including a letter from an old friend in California. She always makes her own envelopes out of recyled magazines or paper. Pretty.

My boyfriend was nice enough to walk to the store to get essentials, like chocolate and kleenex, and then we watched lots of bad television and Netflix. I'm now addicted to the British show Skins, though I'm not proud of it. On a related note, I can't see how the American version (debuting soon on MTV) will be anything less than horrible, which means it will probably be a huge hit - haha.

1 comment:

  1. CUTE paper animals! i always turn to chocolate and movies when i'm down or under the weather too. it always helps!
