Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Scenes from Life

Some random shots from the past week, which has been spent mostly under layers of blankets inside my cave. Hey guys, by the way, when did the US turn into Siberia? There's been way too many negative signs in the forecast pretty much everywhere I look. The ironic thing is that recently I was chatting with a fellow Etsy seller (who is Swedish) about visiting Stockholm one day and said, "but probably not in winter!" Little did I know that it's way colder here! Let's all go to Stockholm and get warm. ;)

I brought back a few treasures when I visited my parents over the holidays, like these photos of my great-grandparents. Most of the family photos are still at my parent's house, of course. One day I should scan them all. I'll probably share more treasures soon; I still have to unpack the stuff I brought back.

And I made two bull terriers for a custom order. I love black and white dogs (and custom orders too).

Hope your week is going well and your toes are all deicing nicely. But seriously, I'm packing up a caravan and moving to southern CA for the rest of the winter. Who's with me?
xo, Mary


  1. We have no snow!! Like none but we certainly have the cold weather. It's been below zero and the wind is even worst. Fortunately I don't have to drive very far everyday. The picture of your great-grandparents is awesome. My grandparents had their children young and so on and so on so I have actually had the opportunity to meet some of my great grandparents there some pictures with me and them. We even have pictures of my great-great grandparents. I guess that is the perk of people having children at 16. Definitely stops with my mother's generation.

  2. I would definitely move to Southern California with you. This is awful! I love the photo of your great grandparents.

  3. I only like snow when I am home and I don't have to go out. I like enjoying it from my window and maybe a quick romp in the snow when it's still fresh. Otherwise, I hate it!

    Those pictures are lovely, what a great find and nice to have and share. :)

  4. Looks chilly! Love the cute little dogs.

  5. Yes, yay for custom orders, those pups look adorable! I love your snow pictures, it's cold here, but definitely not that cold. I still complain about it though and try to stay inside and bundled up as much as possible!

  6. I love the winter-y shots! Maybe 'cos I have no snow round here. Heheh. ;)
    xx Kaisa

  7. You can bring your little horse cup with you to Sweden :)
    I'm definitely ready for this cold spell to end! The wind is just terrible here!
    Your little dog brooches are so cute!

  8. I love the photo of your grandparents and there sense of fashion! If, by any chance, there's a spot left in the camper, I'd love to join you ;-)

  9. Yep, I'd like to get out of ChiBeria. Although, it's finally back to normal temperatures today (the 30s) so I guess I missed my chance to flee the weather.

    That dala horse mug is adorable. Also, I have that same white planter that's housing your succulent. I have something fake in mine because those can't die. Haha.

  10. Those two little terriers are adorable! Yes, I'm ready for a little warmth myself. Southern California sounds nice right about now!

  11. Love the little terriers! So cute! The snow however is about all I've seen for the past 10 days. I want Summer!!!

  12. I'm in love with your mug and those terriers!

  13. Isn't it weird to say let's go to Stockholm and the terriers are too cute.

  14. I took a walk, too, just before the temperatures dropped! We started getting snow early on Sunday morning, and it finished late that evening. It was still in the 30s on Sunday. The air was warm and full of heavy, wet snow. It was beautiful, and I legitimately enjoyed walking. But by the time I woke up Monday morning, it was 17 below zero and everything had frozen. *Shivers* Hell, not even a purple leotard would have been warm enough to wear outside. The photos of your great-grandparents are lovely. Perhaps you could don a collar like her someday? :) And I love your coffee mug! Did you get it at one of the Scandinavian fairs or Swedish art festivals or anything? You've got fantastic taste, my friend. But you already knew that. :)
