That's a lot of photos for one post, I know. I meant to split them up in a couple of posts, but seeing how it's the last day of the year, that just seems silly. I do have some photos from last summer that I have yet to share...maybe they'll brighten up some dull day in January...but other than that, I'm starting 2015 with a clean slate. I don't know if I'll do an official goals post or anything like that, but I do mean to let go of unfinished projects, of things that could've or should've been, and re-prioritize my time and energy to the things that matter and to new projects I'm excited about.
I wish everyone a peaceful and happy New Year! xo, Mary
Happy New Year! :-) I had to giggle when you said "challenging light situations" because your pictures always look great. I like the mirror selfie. :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! I haven't really committed myself to any set goals, either. I haven't written any down, and I certainly haven't done a goals post, either. (Though one of my goals is to get back into blogging more.) Anyway, I really enjoyed these photos and enjoying "going" on the walk with you. Everything looked so festive and so pretty! It looks like Union Street was the place to enjoy such things. Going out--and still seeing the decorations up--really sort of lets the holiday keep going.
ReplyDeleteHow do you always manage to have such gorgeous photos? Ahh!! Looking at your blog makes me smile! :)
ReplyDelete<3 Kelsea | Kels Shark