Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bits of March

Apparently, I only took 3 photos with my phone in March. I took less photos in general last month, and I don't think I made a single thing. I did read a lot and think a lot, but it's somehow unsatisfying to have nothing tangible come out of all that reading and thinking.

I still haven't recovered my files; professional data recovery is too expensive for my meager budget, so I'm just letting it go for now. Starting from scratch on a lot of things is hard and painful and tedious, but maybe it's for the best. Maybe my work will be better for it.

March wasn't all somber though. Good things happened, like...

1. Warmer days and walks in lovely places.
2. An afternoon at the National Gallery (I actually did take photos on this day and will probably post soon).
3. A trip to the nursery and new plant babies, which I already started repotting...hopefully I'll finish this weekend.
4. Ordering a new chair (It's supposed to arrive today and I'm excited. It's pink!)
5. Fixing the microwave door ourselves so we don't have to pay someone else or buy a new one.
6. Going to IKEA for plant pots and getting inspired to revamp my studio space at some point.
7. Donating a bag full of grooming products and toys to an animal rescue.
8. Cleaning out lots more stuff to give to Goodwill.
9. Finding the beginning signs of tulips coming up randomly in our yard. We get them every year in different spots...don't know exactly where the seeds are coming from as we've never planted them, but it's a nice surprise.
10. I started exercising again in earnest after a long hiatus. I'm looking forward to feeling strong and healthy.

I think the best thing that happened in March was that I sort of felt a sense of possibility opening up before me again after a couple months of setbacks, which is a really good feeling. :)


  1. Love your little plants :)
    And how cool that you're getting a pink know I love that!
    I hope April is an awesome month for you!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your files, but it sounds like you're moving forward pretty well despite the total pain of starting over. :-) I'm excited to see your pink chair! Is this for the living room?

  3. Going to IKEA is always a fun adventure! And I love your photographs!

  4. Cheers to feeling new possibility! That's great Mary. I can't even imagine how devastating it was to lose those files. I hope April is such a wonderful month for you that it makes up for it.
