Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pretty Wrapping Paper

I've been a fan of Korean-based O-Check Design Graphics for a little while now, but I've never been able to find their products locally. I was super excited to randomly come across a book of their wrapping papers at the Crate and Barrel Outlet, of all places. and for 60% off of the original price! (In case this isn't obvious, the book contains folded sheets of removable patterned wrapping paper, tissue paper, and gift tags.)

The book is filled to the brim with prettiness: mostly floral or botanical designs and sweet animal prints on pastel or neutral backgrounds. There's something nostalgic about these designs that I can't quite place, possibly some association I have with childhood and storybooks...I don't know.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share this little gem, which appears to be available on the website as well, in case, like me, you can't resist a sweet patterned paper anything.


  1. The patterns are lovely! I wanted to buy one before but I thought the papers were too small for wrapping. I didn't know they were folded! Haha! I'm going to buy one next time. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Yep, each sheet is folded into quarters, so even though it's probably not enough to wrap a large present, it's about the same size as other single sheets of wrapping paper I've bought before...definitely enough to wrap smaller gifts. :)

  2. Very pretty! Are you going to use them, or keep them all together. I think they're almost too pretty looking to actually use! I'm such a sucker for pretty paper things :-)

    1. I used to just save bits of pretty paper forever and never use them too! But I've been better about that the past couple of years. I will definitely use them...maybe I'll just keep a few. ;)

  3. Great find. And at 60% off...even better :)
