Monday, May 4, 2015

Bits of April

I struggled with feeling uninspired to take photos most of February and March, and I didn't spend much time on Instagram at all. I think that probably happens to everyone from time to time when there's a lot of stress and other things going on in life. But April was a little brighter. Here's a peek at the last month through my phone.

Reading lots of art books; my handmade Easter gift from Peter which deserves it's own post (coming soon); it's been so nice having vases around the house filled with flowers cut from our own yard; and colorful houses spotted on an afternoon walk.

Exploring trails and spotting creatures; and the view from one of the rooms at The Kreeger.

I've been crushing on pink tulips in particular everywhere this spring...these were at a local garden; Frank Stella at The Kreeger; pink-blossomed canopies make a perfect spot for day dreaming; and cupcakes from Sprinkles.

I'm hoping May will be super productive, and I'll have lots of finished projects to share on Instagram too. It's so hard to stay indoors making things when there's sunshine and ice cream and walks along the water beckoning, which is exactly how we spent last weekend, but you know, I'm still making up for lost time and have lots of goals to reach! So with that in mind, I'm off to make this week count! :)

As always, if you'd like to follow along, my IG name is @my_hideaway.

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