Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Bits of June

To show you how totally together I am as a person, I had this post titled "Bits of May" for a good long while before I realized that it's actually July, which would make last month June, not May. In fairness to my addled brain, I am including some photos that were taken in May in this bunch because I didn't post them to IG until June. Not that it really matters...summer memories all blend together in a haze anyway, eventually, don't they?

This set and the one below are from a brief stay in Savannah and Tybee Island on our road trip down south in May. I have lots more photos from my "real camera" that I'll share soon. How sweet is that cow's face? She's part of a mural on the wall at Mellow Mushroom. 

Lovely tree-lined squares and streets and The Paris Market, where I wanted to buy everything.

Puffy clouds and boats here in Alexandria; a house undergoing renovation in Old Town (I love to see old houses being renovated here...occasionally, part or all of a wall will be down and you can see inside, just like a dollhouse); pretty windows and balustrade; and a funny building that was, at one point, an old house and was expanded and repurposed into doctors' offices, I think.

We had brunch one day at Fontaine Caffe & Crêperie (really good if you're ever in Old Town and craving crêpes); a pretty blue house with a mansard roof; this former mansion (now split into four condos) has so many porches and balconies...I love, love, love this house. Occasionally one of the condos will come up for rent, and you can sneak a peek inside. Here's an old listing from last year, I think, if you want to see what one of the condos looks like. Gah, it's so pretty. And last, but not least, a super cute little free library in our neighborhood.

Another mansard roof on this lovely yellow building; honeysuckle growing like crazy all along our fence in the backyard; I love the ivy growing on this house on the corner; and irises growing up and along gold-painted finials....basically I guess I like plants growing on buildings and fences. :)

So far, summer has been hot and stormy and very humid. We've had so much rain, Peter joked that we're growing fungi, not plants. And we really are. So many weird types of fungi have popped up in our flower beds. Our yard looks like an alien planet.

I plan on spending most of July in my studio because I have lots of work to do, but I'd love a few nice days to get outside with my camera. It's been a while since I really spent some time in nature, so I'm putting that on my goal list for July too...mosquitoes be damned!

Hope your summer is aces. xo, Mary


  1. I always love your street pictures. You should make a book of them someday. I can't believe it's July either. Slow down, summer!

  2. Love the cool bridge in the first set. And that giant mansion is beautiful! We don't normally have houses like that around here, but there is one for sale in a neighboring town...the property takes up the entire block!

  3. Love the photos of the buildings! It's actually my latest obsession: whenever i get to take photos, i take photos of buildings. :)

  4. Lovely pictures! The houses are so lovely!

  5. Mansard roofs are my favorite. Anytime I see a pretty old one, because we don't have many here, I'm snapping pictures like a weirdo.

    I agree with Melissa that you should make a book of your photos. I'd buy it!

    1. Aaaaaaaand I just looked at the real estate listing. Stunning.

  6. So I had a really good comment and then I pressed published and it went away. As always your photos look amazing. I couldn't tell if it was May, June or July. The weather has been pretty hot here in Virginia that I feel like Summer started in May. On our wedding day it was 100 degrees outside!! I nearly fainted.

  7. Great pictures (also just want to say I love your blog header!)
