Monday, April 13, 2015

Grow Good Luck!

I bought this little Japanese good luck charm with a "flowering fortune" inside at a local museum shop a few weeks ago. Isn't it just the cutest thing ever? You pull a string and out comes your fortune with seeds inside. You plant the fortune and "watch your luck grow." I've planted my seeds (chrysanthemums) and can't wait to see little sprouts (hopefully!) in a couple weeks, and a little good luck wouldn't hurt either. :)

I'll post an update with photos if anything grows! xo, Mary


  1. This is just the cutest thing ever: good luck flowers! Yes please: post when the blooms grow forth...that is so adorable!

  2. I love that guy! Definitely something I'd have bought or been tempted to buy as well. Chrysanthemums are awesome 'cause you can steep the flowers for tea, too :)

  3. That is very sweet! It looks a lot like a daruma ... with those (if I recall correctly) you colour one eye in, make a wish, then colour in the other eye in when the wish comes true. I very much like the idea of fortune seeds though!

  4. What an adorable little guy. I hope your flowers will start growing soon!

  5. What a fun little purchase :) Can't wait to see your flowers and luck :)

  6. What a cool idea! Does the kind of luck depend on the color of the flowers?
